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Just Like a Regular Bicycle but Better
No Drivers License Required
No Insurance Required
Pennys to Operate
Avoid traffic
Environmental and Bike Path Friendly
Electric Power Takes the Hills Out of Your Ride
Very Quiet Reliable Transportation
Keep up With Others
Improve Fitness
Travel Long Distances
About Kanab-E-Bikes
Kanab-E-Bikes is committed to providing high quality affordable electric bicycles to people looking to stay active and on the move.
Proudly made in America by Electric Bike Co. in California.
Warranty Information
Kanab-E-Bikes are Extremely Reliable with virtually no mechanical or electrical issues. All bikes come with an above Industry standard of a 2 year warranty and we are more than happy to help you solve an issue that may arise during or after your warranty. We are proudly located in the USA and are here to provide you with superior service and selection.